Asterios Paternas

Presentation of curriculum information, education and activities for whoever is interested in professional collaboration.

M.Sc. in Computer Science
B.Sc. in Information Technology
B.Sc. in Mathematics

M.Sc. Degree Dissertation

Paternas Asterios, 1997, "Planning for Distribution of Commercial Goods", (MSc Dissertation using C++ and ObjectStore), Department of Computer Science, University of Essex, England, UK.


It is very common for big commercial companies to have an organized facility for distribution of goods. However, often one of the shops runs out of a specific product and that causes a delay to the service of the customers because a new supply must be sent from the main store.

The secretarial staff can use the application to retrieve information provided by the lecturers, in order to create the timetable of the department, or to organize meetings of the staff and seminars.

Students, on their side, can use the application to find out about the availability of their lecturers in case they need to meet one of them for academic purposes.

The application is developed in C++ with all information stored in form of objects in an autonomus C++ file system. The application can be invoked from more than one users at the same time through the use of Telnet and is real time operational.

Software and Systems Engineering - Group Project

Paternas Asterios, Papadopoulos Evagelos, Kostopoulos Dimosthenis, Kim Dong-Lyp, JO Youndok, 1996, "Departmental Diary System", Department of Computer Science, University of Essex, England, United Kingdom.


In this project we developed an on-line diary system that can be usefull to academic and secretarial staff as well as to studens. Lecturers can use the system as a timetable diary to enter their personal information or possible task reminders. This way, they can also inform other users about theit availability.

The secretarial staff can use the application to retrieve information provided by the lecturers, in order to create the timetable of the department, or to organize meetings of the staff and seminars.

Students, on their side, can use the application to find out about the availability of their lecturers in case they need to meet one of them for academic purposes.

The application is developed in C++ with all information stored in form of objects in an autonomus C++ file system. The application can be invoked from more than one users at the same time through the use of Telnet and is real time operational.
