Presentation of curriculum information, education and activities for whoever is interested in professional collaboration.
M.Sc. in Computer Science
B.Sc. in Information Technology
B.Sc. in Mathematics
Paternas Asterios, Solahidis Vasileios, 1995, "A Software that Calculates the Laurent Expansion of an Inverse Polynomial Matrix (Using MATLAB)" (Special Project).
Paternas Asterios, Solahidis Vasileios, 1995, "A Software that Converts Pencil Regular Matrices to Weierstrass Form (Using MATLAB)" (Special Project).
Paternas Asterios, 1994, "Galaxies" (Requirement for the course Astronomy II).
Paternas Asterios, 1994, "Telescopes" (Requirement for the course Astronomy II).
Paternas Asterios, 1994, "Analysis of Mathematical Documents" (Requirement for the course Didactics of Mathematics I).
Paternas Asterios, 1994, "Multiple Choice test in Complex Numbers" (Requirement for the course Didactics of Mathematics I).
Paternas Asterios, 1994, "The Fulfillment Test" (Requirement for the course Didactics of Mathematics I).
Paternas Asterios, 1994, "The Instructive Contract" (Requirement for the course Didactics of Mathematics II).
Paternas Asterios, 1994, "Analysis of Elementary Third Grade School Book Exercises According to Vernard" (Requirement for the course Didactics of Mathematics II).
Paternas Asterios, 1994, "The Pierre and Robert Problem" (Requirement for the course Didactics of Mathematic II).
Paternas Asterios, 1994, "The Obstetrical Method of Socrates and Teaching Mathematics with Evolving Questions" (Requirement for the course Didactics of Mathematic II).
Paternas Asterios, 1994, "Opinions for Teaching Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Geometry in relation with the Clairaut's Geometry and with the Current Situation" (Requirement for the course Didactics of Mathematics II).